Judi for Eligibility

Clinical Trial Eligibility Review Workflows

Pain point

Clinical trial protocols include increasingly complex inclusion and exclusion criteria which makes an efficient, central review of eligibility by an independent third party more vital than ever to a trial’s success.


Eligibility streamlines and automates central review processes in trials and aggregates data to quickly achieve a final determination. The result is a trial with an accurate group of eligible patients enrolled within an appropriate timeframe.

A unique solution for eligibility workflows

Choosing the right subjects for any study can make the difference between a successful trial and an unsuccessful one. Judi helps you get this right every time.

Visibility to manage eligibility screening

Designed to help manage the eligibility screening process, giving role-specific visibility to the different constituencies  in order to achieve an accurate and timely determination with full transparency and an audit trail.

Standard and customized configurations

Standard and customized configurations with workflows that can be chosen at the outset to determine eligibility. The platform provides eCRFs, dashboards, reporting and interaction tools that make the process efficient, predictable – and more successful.

Optimize eligibility in your decentralized trials

Optimize and manage the process of finding the right patients for any given trial; centralizing the decision-making process around patient enrollment, and implementing checks and balances allow the trial and its sponsor to have the right patient mix to move the study forward.

See Judi in Action; Request a Demo today

Contact us today to learn more about how Judi can automate, expedite, and improve your clinical trials.

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Key Features


Countdown clock for final decisions
Documents received / outstanding
Open queries

PHI Redaction Tools

Applicable to both documents and medical images


Final decision performance statistics


Straight line or dual concurrent
View state of all candidate submissions
Query system
Role-to-role communication
Branded eCRFs for required process states and decisions

AI-Assisted Redaction

Judi’s proprietary AI-Assisted Redaction capability automatically detects potential inclusions of PHI and flags them for review, saving time and reducing regulatory risk.

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